What's going on here?

What's going on here?
Well Amanda and Emily both have goals to write more. Amanda wants to write a poem and a half a day for the next year, while Emily wants to write for National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo), which is usually in November, but she is going to do it from now until her mission on May 18th. Here is were you can follow us in our goals! Leave comments, encouragement, and what ever else you feel like.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I’ve tried to write the way you do.
Tried to splay my words out
Drawing faint lines across table tops and screens
Trying to keep the disconnected
And yet still coherent.
I tried throwing poems in blenders.
Squishing out all the juices
And making dizzying cocktails
That would make even you
But I think I figured it out.
I’ve got one foot in and one foot out.
I may never be a great poet.
May never have my name in lights
My books on library shelves.
But I do have something that you
Don’t seem to have.
I have the charm for the everyday.
I can charm the pants off people.
And I know you
With your silver tongue
Can goad a few people into making your life easier.
But I’ve never used my power for evil
And people have never doubted me.
When I open my mouth
People genuinely like me.
And you?
You don’t have that gift.
All you have is tricks and charades.
So keep scratching your poetry on bloody walls.
I am going to go out and change the world.
Because even as I write this poem
I’m making plans for turning everything around. 

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