What's going on here?

What's going on here?
Well Amanda and Emily both have goals to write more. Amanda wants to write a poem and a half a day for the next year, while Emily wants to write for National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo), which is usually in November, but she is going to do it from now until her mission on May 18th. Here is were you can follow us in our goals! Leave comments, encouragement, and what ever else you feel like.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Self Made Symphony

You are not a superhero
Not some main character of a mainstream comedy up on the main screen.
I know better now.
The world does not revolve around that single spot in your mind.
The spot that got me tangled up and twisted.
The spot that made me kneel but think I was standing upon my feet.
I thought I was fighting for my freedom
 But you were wrapping those chains tighter.
So no.
I am not some sidekick.
I am not a side character
Some fired actor whose story line ends when away from you.
I am beyond that.
I am something bigger than that screen that you believe you’re on.
I am beyond the small petty things you say to try and wrap those bonds around my ankles.
And I’m finally happy.
Happy away from your petty laughter
That you dispense like gold nuggets for all to admonish and ponder over.
Happy away from the dribble that constantly flows from your mouth
About some existential crisis
Some “stand up and fight for this”.
No I am in a land of possibilities.
A land where I don’t have to wait for you to offer me your hand to get my leg up on the world.
A land that’s plain and simple.
Where you can see the rise and fall of my emotions.
The dips and curves of my morals.
Yes I am free of you.
No longer am I rotating around that spot.
But rather I am floating in a sea of the me.
Of the choice.
Of my own voice reverberating off the walls and sounding like a symphony.

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