What's going on here?

What's going on here?
Well Amanda and Emily both have goals to write more. Amanda wants to write a poem and a half a day for the next year, while Emily wants to write for National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo), which is usually in November, but she is going to do it from now until her mission on May 18th. Here is were you can follow us in our goals! Leave comments, encouragement, and what ever else you feel like.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dressing Sexy

I don’t dress for sex.

I don’t dress to appeal to your eyes.

I don’t dress to get you going or to make you want me.

I dress the way it pleases me.

I wear the jeans that are most comfortable.

I wear the shirt that makes me smile.

I wear the shoes that may not be appealing, but know my feet like long lost lovers.

And if the outfit happens to please you perchance

It’s because I like the way I look in it, not the way you see me in it.

I wear whatever the deuce I want,

Unless I’m on the beach.

On the beach I don’t really have an option.

I mean, I still dress the way I want to,

But the most comfortable way to dress is the way You want me to.


Tight fitting clothing,

to reduce drag in the water of course.

As much skin as possible,

to give me an even tan you know.

In front of as many people as possible, I’m just here for me I swear.

Yes the beach is where I concede defeat.

Admit I am a unique flower, amongst a field of unique flowers.

And if we’re all so unique, well you know,

None of us are.

So I don’t dress for sex

Unless I’m on the beach.

Then yes, I definitely dress for sex.

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