What's going on here?

What's going on here?
Well Amanda and Emily both have goals to write more. Amanda wants to write a poem and a half a day for the next year, while Emily wants to write for National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo), which is usually in November, but she is going to do it from now until her mission on May 18th. Here is were you can follow us in our goals! Leave comments, encouragement, and what ever else you feel like.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Can You Hear Me From Where You Are?

Can you hear me from here?
Can you?
Please say this voice is traveling across the air
To you, thousands of miles away.
Because I’m out of rope.
I’ve strewn out all my life lines
And I’m still drifting farther away.
Did you see them?
Did you see me when I fell from the boat and drifted away?
Because I’ve been screaming your name for days now
And my voice is getting hoarse.
But I just don’t want to be lost anymore.
I don’t want to be alone on this ocean anymore.
So please
If you hear my voice
Sail in my direction.
If you find one of my lifelines
Grab it and drag me home.
Because I’m tired of feeling lost
And my legs are done treating water.
I’m afraid if you don’t save me soon
My head will go under the waves.
But I will scream until that moment.
Just please tell me
Can you hear me from where you are?

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