What's going on here?

What's going on here?
Well Amanda and Emily both have goals to write more. Amanda wants to write a poem and a half a day for the next year, while Emily wants to write for National Write a Novel Month (NaNoWriMo), which is usually in November, but she is going to do it from now until her mission on May 18th. Here is were you can follow us in our goals! Leave comments, encouragement, and what ever else you feel like.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Love is Writing

Love is not math.
You cannot just plug in the right numbers
And poof! You have it!
No, love is not math.
Love is not science either.
You can’t just observe.
Test out theories.
And come up with the scientific definition of love.
No, love is not science.
Love is writing.
It’s doing the same things over and over again.
Making tiny tiny changes.
Love has some definite rules
But there is a finesse that great lovers learn.
Yes, love is writing.
And writing is love. 

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